New Hampshire Coalition for Community Media A non-profit organization committed to promoting access to communications in the state of New Hampshire. Http://nhccm.tripod.com
Alliance For Community Media National organization of public, educational, and government access centers. http://www.alliancecm.org
State of New Hampshire Information Information about our state. Includes legislative information www.NH.gov
Planning an event, and need a room? To reserve the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) at 84 Chester Street, apply through the Recreation Dept.
If you need use of the kitchen adjacent to the MPR, or if you would like to use any part of Steven's Memorial Hall, reserve by calling the Site Administrator at 206-4786 or email Chester kitchen@ yahoo.com
Chester Congregational Baptist Church All about the Church, its history, its purpose, and events www.chesterchurch.org
Chester Public Access Television / CTV-21 P.O. Box 151, 84 Chester Street, Chester, NH 03036