The following boards meet monthly at the Chester Town Office Meeting Room, check CTV-21 calendar for exact dates and time:
Chester Board of Selectmen meet the 1st, 2nd, & 4th Thursday evenings, 7 PM unless otherwise noted on CTV-21 Calendar Chester School Board meets 1st Thursday of every month, 7 PM Chester Recreation Dept. meets 2nd and 4th Monday of each month 7 PM Chester Zoning Board meets 3rd Thursday of each month 7 PM Conservation Commission meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month 7 PM Solid Waste Committee meets 1st Tuesday every month
Stevens Memorial Hall Activities and Meetings:
Chester Historical Society 4th Monday every month, next meeting May 24, 2010
www.chesterhistorical.org for more information.
Chester Lion's Club, 2nd, and 4th Thursday each month, 7 PM Rockingham Herb Society, 1st Thursday each month, 7 PM. Chester Dancers (ballet, tap, jazz), Steven's Memorial Hall, Wed. 4-8, Sat. 9-1, Sun 4-6, call Margaret 887-8920 for info.
Wason Pond Community Center Activities and Meetings, 603 Raymond Road
Wason Pond Conservation & Recreation Advisory Committee meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month Chester Senior Citizens, Monday--Thurs, 10-4, Wason Pond Community Center, www.chesterseniors.org, crafts, card games, quilting, bingo, coffee hour, movies and more Chester Lion's Business meeting, 3rd Thursday, 7 PM Chester Brownie Troop - Monday 415 PM, Thursdays 315PM Chester Tiger Cubs